The Interrelationship Among Theory Practice And Research

Running Head: THE INTERRELATIONSHIP AMONG THEORY, PRACTICE, AND RESEARCH The Interrelationship among Theory, Practice, and Research Student’s Name Institution’s Affiliation THE INTERRELATIONSHIP AMONG THEORY, PRACTICE, AND RESEARCH 2 Generally, in any field of study, theory, practice, and research associate in interlinked and complicated relationships and, as explained by Hutchings and Jarvis (2012)The Interrelationship Among Theory Practice And Research, they are also impacted by social, economic, and political phenomena constituted in globalization, marketization, accountability, public scrutiny, and policy interventions.


However, each of these plays a significant role in the advancement of knowledge and its application in the given field of discipline. For example, in the field of healthcare, theory, practice, and research are intricately and yet importantly, interrelated. The three, which are the cornerstone of the nursing practice, can be said to exist in a cyclical and reciprocal relationship (Saleh, 2018). Arguably, research often utilizes and tests hypotheses that are generated by theories. This could be true because, in the absence of theoretical questions that guide research, as elaborated by (Saleh, 2018) The Interrelationship Among Theory Practice And Research